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本公司交付的译文 |
This Policy sets forth Lexmark’s requirements for the use of Lexmark systems. This Policy also sets forth Lexmark’s practices with respect to monitoring use of Lexmark systems. |
本政策规定Lexmark针对使用Lexmark系统的要求,也规定Lexmark有关监控Lexmark系统使用行为的惯例。 |
本制度针对Lexmark系统的使用制订了相关要求,并就监督Lexmark系统的使用也作出了相应规定。 |
Capitalized words and phrases are defined in the Information Security Program Policy Book posted on the Lexmark Employee Central. |
首字母大写的词汇及短语的定义已公布在Lexmark员工中心的《信息安全计划政策手册》。 |
关于此中字母大写的词汇和短语的具体含义,请参见Lexmark雇员中心公布的《信息安全计划手册》。 |
Lexmark provides its systems and equipment to Covered Persons to assist them in the performance of their jobs for or on behalf of Lexmark and to facilitate appropriate business communications. |
Lexmark向受本政策约束的员工提供系统和设备,在他们为Lexmark或代表Lexmark工作时提供协助,并促进适当的业务交流。 |
Lexmark向责任人提供相关系统和设备,以便他们在Lexmark雇用期间更好地履行工作职责,更方便地进行业务交流。 |
Only Lexmark assets may connect to the Lexmark Internal Network unless permission is granted by the IT Security. |
除非IT安全部门许可,否则只有Lexmark资产才可以连接Lexmark内部网络。 |
Lexmark内部网络只能接入Lexmark设备,其他设备的接入须获得IT安全部门的许可。 |
Every Covered Person has the responsibility to use the systems professionally, ethically and lawfully. |
每位受本政策约束的员工都有责任按道德标准并依法专业地使用系统。 |
每个责任人必须保守职业道德,合法专业地使用相关系统。 |
Lexmark may perform a background screening, as appropriate, on all newly-hired Associates who will handle Personal Information, and may engage further background checks on all newly-hired Associates who will have significant responsibilities for managing Confidential Information, Sensitive Personal Information as appropriate. |
Lexmark可酌情对处理个人信息的所有新入职同事进行背景审查;可对主要负责管理保密信息、敏感个人信息(视情况而定)的新入职同事开展进一步背景调查。 |
Lexmark有权对处理个人信息的新职员实施适当的背景调查,对管理机密信息、敏感个人信息等负有重要职责的新职员执行更深入的背景调查。 |
Subject to the requirements of applicable local law or legal process, Lexmark routinely monitors its systems with automated monitoring tools to maintain the technical integrity of its systems and may monitor the use of Lexmark systems and equipment, including Internet use, Lexmark Endpoint User Devices use, and any information placed on or sent over Lexmark systems, networks and equipment, including, without limitation, voicemail and email. Further, Covered Persons should have no expectation of privacy with respect to use of any Lexmark systems or equipment or information stored on such systems or equipment. |
Lexmark has, and in some circumstances, government agencies or other third parties may have, a legal right to access, inspect and/or freeze accounts, files, records or information stored on Lexmark systems and equipment. Covered Persons should be aware that Lexmark can, and such agencies and third parties may be able to, lawfully obtain, without the Covered Person’s knowledge or consent, such accounts, files, records or information.
Lexmark拥有访问、检查和/或冻结存储在Lexmark系统和设备上的账户、文件、记录或信息的合法权利,某些情况下,政府机构或其他第三方也可能拥有此等合法权利。 受本政策约束的员工应当知悉,Lexmark能够、及该等机构和第三方可以依法取得该等账户、文件、记录或信息,而无需经受本政策约束的员工知悉或同意。
关于保存在Lexmark系统和设备上的账户、文件、记录或其它信息,Lexmark具有合法访问、检查和冻结的权利,在某些时候,政府部门或其他第三方机构也拥有该等权利。 另外,责任人应当知悉,Lexmark、政府部门和其他第三方机构可在其不知情或未获得其许可的情况下,依法获得上述账户、文件、记录或其他信息。
Prohibited Activities The following activities are, in general, prohibited. Certain Covered Persons who are granted permission by management may be exempt from these restrictions during the course of their legitimate job responsibilities (e.g., systems administration staff may have a need to disable the network access of a host if that host is disrupting services in the Production Environment). Under no circumstances is a Covered Person authorized to engage in any activity that is illegal under local, provincial, state, federal or international law or legal process while utilizing Lexmark systems.
禁止的行为一般来说,员工应禁止以下行为。 通常,公司管理层会授予部分责任人特定的权限,使他们在正当履行工作职责时不受有关规定的限制(例如,当主机干扰正常运行的服务时,系统管理员需要切断主机的网络连接)。在任何情况下,责任人在使用Lexmark系统过程中,禁止从事违反当地、省、州、联邦或国际法律法规的活动。
The activities below are by no means exhaustive, but attempt to provide a framework for activities which fall into the category of unacceptable use. |
以下活动并不详尽,只是试图提供活动框架,这些活动属于不可接受的用途类型。 |
通过下列方式使用相关系统和设备属于不可接受的行为,但这些行为无法详尽列举,仅指出了大致范围。 |
System and Network Activities The following activities are strictly prohibited: 1. Violating the rights of any person or company protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property or similar laws or regulations, including, but not limited to, the installation or distribution of “pirated” or other software products that are not authorized and appropriately licensed for use by Lexmark.. |
系统和网络活动严禁从事以下活动: 1. 侵犯受版权、商业秘密、专利或其他知识产权法律法规或类似法律法规保护的任何人士或公司的权利,包括但不限于安装或分发未经Lexmark授权和适当许可使用的“盗版”软件产品或其他软件产品。 |
系统和网络活动严禁从事以下活动: 1. 侵犯受版权、商业秘密、专利或其他知识产权等法律法规保护的个人或公司的权利,包括但不限于:将Lexmark未获得使用权的“盗版”软件或其他软件产品予以安装或分发。 |
3. Installing any software or hardware onto, or removing any software or hardware from, Lexmark assets without authorization. |
3. 擅自在Lexmark资产上安装任何软件或硬件,或者擅自从Lexmark资产上移除任何软件或硬件。 |
3. 擅自在Lexmark设备上安装软件或硬件,擅自从Lexmark设备上删除软件或硬件。 |
Exporting software (including encryption software), hardware, technical information, or other technology, in violation of international or regional export control laws. Appropriate management must be consulted prior to the export of any material that is in question. |
以违反国际或地区出口控制的法律方式使用软件(包括加密软件)、硬件、技术信息或其他技术。出口任何存在争议的材料之前必须咨询相应的管理层。 |
以违反国际或地区出口管制相关法律为代价,对外出口软件(包括加密软件)、硬件、技术信息或其他技术。在出口尚有疑问的材料之前,必须咨询相关的管理人员。 |
中译英 |
原文 |
一般译者的译文 |
本公司交付的译文 |
仓库应及时按实际收货数量输入SAP系统,并确保收货数量、SAP系统与进口报关货单数量一致。任何异常,应及时通知报关部,并根据报关部的指示进行处理,同时应保存相关单据与记录。 |
The warehouse shall timely enter SAP according to the actual acceptance amount, and ensure consistency between the acceptance amount, SAP system and the amount on the import declaration sheet. In case of any abnormality, the warehouse shall timely notify the customs declaration department, treat the problem according to the instructions of the customs declaration department, and keep the relevant documents and record. |
The warehouse shall timely enter in SAP the actual acceptance amount, and ensure the acceptance amount is consistent with that in SAP and in the import custom declaration. WH shall timely notify CD of any abnormality, and deal with the same subject to the instructions of CD with the related documents and records preserved. |
所有货物的储存应按海关要求,RMB购买与非RMB购买货物分开存放区域;同时,应存放在经海关批准的经营场所。 |
All goods shall be stored according to the customs requirements. The goods purchased in RMB and non RMB shall be stored in different zones; stored in the management place that has been approved by the customs. |
All goods shall be stored as required by the customs. The goods purchased in RMB and in other than RMB shall be separately stored in such places as approved by the customs. |
相关部门应确保成品的加工过程与储存均在合法合规的经营场所进行。 |
The relevant department shall ensure that the processing process and storage of finished products are conducted in the place that complies with laws and regulations. |
The relevant department shall make sure that the finished products are processed and stored in legal and proper places. |
料件需要复出时,相关部门应书面提前通知报关部,报关部门需审核是否符合复出条件,是否需要办理相关证明等,并及时给予建议。 |
For exit of material and parts, the relevant department shall provide prior written notification to the customs declaration department to verity the exit conditions, the need of relevant evidence, and provide timely recommendations. |
The relevant department shall advise in advance CD of the demand for re-exit of material/parts. CD shall check and review the compliance with the requirement for re-exit and the need for relevant certifications, and then give advice timely. |
中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(简称CIQ):为国家进行出入境检验检疫工作的部门。负责对出入境的货物、人员、交通工具、集装箱、行李邮包携带物等进行包括卫生检疫、动植物检疫、商品检验等的检查,以保障人员、动植物安全卫生和商品的质量。所有进口货物必须先报检后报关,法检货物必须先向CIQ申报并获得通关单号码才能报关;非法检货物出口时,无需报检。 |
Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of PRC (CIQ): as the national department of entry-exit inspection and quarantine, it’s responsible for inspection of entry and exit goods, personnel, transport tools, containers, and luggage and post belongings, including sanitary quarantine, animal and plant quarantine, and commodity quarantine, etc., to ensure the safety and sanitation of personnel, animal and plant, and quality of goods. All import goods shall be declared for quarantine and then for customs , and the goods under legal examination shall be declared for customs only after acquiring clearance permit number; the goods not under legal examination may not declared for quarantine at export. |
The Customs of the People's Republic of China (thereinafter "the customs"): means the national administration responsible for the control of entry into and exit from the country . Subject to the customs laws and other regulations, the customs shall takes the responsibilities for controlling the entry into and exit from the country of the transport facilities, goods, luggage, postal articles and others, collecting customs duties and other taxes and fees, preventing and countering smuggling, preparing the customs statistic data and providing other customs services. The import and export of all goods shall be approved by the customs which is under the direct management of the State Council. |
监管货物:指经海关批准未办理纳税手续进保税区,在区内储存、加工、装配后复运出区货物。 |
Regulated Goods: refer to the goods that enter the FTZ without completing the formalities of taxation after the customs approval, for storage, processing and assembly in the FTZ, and then exit from the FTZ. |
Regulated Goods: refer to such goods as are allowed by the customs to enter the FTZ without being taxed, and stored, processed and assembled in the FTZ and then carried out of the zone. |
工艺损耗及损耗率:因加工工艺原因,料件在正常加工过程中除净耗外所必需耗用、但不能存在或者转化到成品中的量,包括有形损耗和无形损耗。工艺损耗率,是指工艺损耗占所耗用料件的百分比。 |
The quantity of process loss and loss rate: the necessary loss and consumption of material and parts except for the net consumption in the normal process due to the processing technology, that is not existing or transformed to the finished product, including tangible loss and intangible loss. The process loss rate refers to the percentage of process loss in the material and parts consumed. |
Process loss/ Process loss rate: means the necessary consumption (exclusive of net consumption)in the normal production of bonded material incurred due to processing technology, which does not exist in the finished products, including tangible loss and intangible loss. Process consumption rate means the percentage of process loss against consumed material/parts. |
监管货物如需发外/内加工,相关部门应提前提供申请单及提交相应的资料给报关部,报关部获得海关批准后须及时通知相关部门。 |
To release regulated goods for external/internal processing, the relevant department shall provide the customs declaration department with application sheet and corresponding information in advance, after receiving approval from the customs, the customs declaration department shall timely notify the relevant department. |
The relevant department shall deliver in advance to CD an application attached with related documents for releasing the supervised goods for outside/inside processing, and after receiving an approval from the customs, CD shall timely notify such department of such approval. |